
Lock Yingtai

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작성자 John 댓글 0건 조회 83회 작성일 23-02-20 12:11


The hot steam steamed her eyes, making her eyes feel hot. Lu Qingchan hung her head, feeling the blood in her cavity collide with each other. Xiao Ke put his arm around Lu Qingchan's shoulder, and there was a sigh in her tone: "I turned over a few pages of The Story of a Small Window and thought you would like it. There is a sentence in it that I remember very well: When a good dream comes, books can go with wine; when a chivalrous feeling goes, clouds can be given to others.". These days, I always think that if one day you and I have a child, he can be of great use, I will give him the throne, we will live in Yingtai or the palace, and live the ordinary life written in the book. When the weather is good, we look around. Once the chivalrous love goes, the cloud can be given away. Xiao Ke still had some chivalrous spirit hidden in his bones. He turned his face sideways and kissed Lu Qingchan's forehead. He said, "After I met you, I felt that I was trapped by the Dragon Chair." Lu Qingchan is a cloud in the world, Xiao Ke imprisoned her in his side, but those poems and books have also let Lu Qingchan go to those distant places she has never been to. Sometimes when he thought about it, he felt that it was more interesting than being an emperor. Finally, Xiao Ke added a sentence: "But the words come out, as long as you, where all good." He so quietly looked at Lu Qingchan's eyes, suddenly, Lu Qingchan leaned over, these two slightly cold lips, stuck to his lips. The author has something to say: This female partner really won't make everyone feel annoying QAQ. Then, if there is no accident, what everyone expects. Next chapter. Autumn in the Han Palace (III) Xiao Ke felt the dependence in Lu Qingchan's heart, and if he had done it earlier, he would have even scolded her for being presumptuous, but now her shy and courageous friendship was clearly in front of him, which made him both happy and helpless. Lu Qingchan has always been a cautious and courteous person,Magnesium Oxide MgO, and it is rare for him to be as bold as he is today. The night is long, the four fields are quiet, the cold moon breaks through the flowing clouds, Lu Qingchan carefully kisses Xiao Ke's lips with her eyes closed, and the faint sweet-scented osmanthus is scattered around her. Through the courtyard wind beat the window frame, Xiao Ke picked up Lu Qingchan and went straight to the bed. Lu Qingchan's hand hooked Xiao Ke's neck, and the shallow blush slowly climbed up her cheek. Xiao Ke stepped forward and looked down at her. I don't want to be lucky to you in the Forbidden City. There are slaves everywhere. I have to count the time and forbid the concubines to spend the night in the Palace of Heavenly Purity. I like it here very much. It's just you and me. If you're not ready, I won't force you. Always feel Xiao Ke in this above with inexplicable stubbornness, as if not with her consent is abrupt to her. Lights fell on Xiao Ke's side face, his eyelashes half drooping, carving him out of the outline of the dust, his eyebrows and eyes as always, but the deep pupil clearly reflected the shadow of Lu Qingchan. It is a complex and strong emotion, good want to plunder her, but also seems to appease her, the eyes of the deep spots of fire also ignited the enthusiasm of Lu Qingchan, potassium sulphate fertilizer ,Magnesium Oxide powder, her face filled with red clouds, she lowered her eyes and raised her hand to hook Xiao Ke's neck. Silent invitation, shy expression, these can always remind people of the summer will not open the green lotus, Xiao Ke got her permission, raised his hand to open the button next to her neck. Lu Qingchan's skin was so white and shining that it was as delicate as white jade. Under the orange lights, you could see the thin blood vessels and fluff on her cheeks. After careful calculation, Lu Qingchan has not been honored by him so far, and he was exempted from conferring the title because it was during the national mourning period. In fact, there is a deeper reason, Xiao Ke wants to solemnly marry her once, with the queen's guard of honor to welcome her into the Kunning Palace, sometimes think of, inevitably feel guilty to her in the depths of my heart. Women's clothes are complicated, Xiao Ke spent a lot of effort on matching with Lu Qingchan's clothes, those buttons and knots in Lu Qingchan's hands are very tame, in Xiao Ke's hands, it is a few times to become a dead knot. Xiao Ke's eyes darkened, and as soon as he exerted himself in his hands, the material of the Ning silk broke into pieces. Lu Qingchan can always think of the time just promised to Xiao Rang. At that time, Aunt Jianxi, who was beside Yu Guifei, had also given her extra instructions on the matter of Dunlun. When Xiao Ke kissed her lips and teeth, Lu Qingchan's face was burning, but she felt a faint sense of expectation.
At the time of breaking the last layer of boundaries, the pain made people's souls begin to tremble. Lu Qingchan surrounded Xiao Ke's back, and the tears in his eyes for a long time eventually rolled down uncontrollably. Xiao Ke was careful, and when he saw her tears, he felt even more pity in his heart. He lowered his head to kiss her eyes, and his body slowed down a little. Lu Qingchan was favored for the first time, and Xiao Ke could not bear to gallop too much on her body. It was not until she saw that the tightness on her body had faded a little that she dared to spread it out a little. Her body was delicate and tender, different from what he had expected, and occasionally tasted the true meaning of bliss in the blending of the two compartments. That night, Lu Qingchan cried until her eyes were red. Afterwards, Xiao Ke held her in his arms and patted her for a long time, knowing that for her, the pain was more than the pleasure, but today was a good start, and the future would be much smoother than today. Lu Qingchan gradually stopped sobbing in his arms, and Xiao Ke called for hot water. The messy mattress on the bed was changed again, and Lu Qingchan, who had been bathed again, still had wet heat on her body. She was soft and fumigated. She felt warm in her arms. Her soft middle clothes were close to the bodies of two people. Xiao Ke looked carefully, and Lu Qingchan was already misty to sleep. Does it hurt? Xiao Ke was somewhat surprised, but still gritted his teeth and asked this sentence. Lu Qingchan was so sleepy that she shook her head and went into Xiao Ke's arms along her own meaning. Her hand was around his waist, and her face was buried in Xiao Ke's chest, dependent and sticky, like a cat. The autumn in Yingtai was even more deserted than that in the Forbidden City. Occasionally, you could see wild geese flying south alone. This night, the palace leaked and rustled intermittently. Lu Qingchan's breath gradually slowed down and she slept silently. But Xiao Ke felt that he could not sleep,Magnesium Oxide powder, he was holding his beloved woman in his arms, they blend with each other, blend in one. stargrace-magnesite.com