
Death changes

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작성자 Dolores 댓글 0건 조회 153회 작성일 23-02-27 12:17


Ying Yi leaned on Qiu Chenyue: "Xiao Yi doesn't have any great ability, but Xiao Yi will not hesitate to give everything for Qiu's brother." Qiu Chenyue smiled. "If I need you to give everything for me at the critical moment, what am I?"? I just expressed my feelings just now, and you don't have to care. Now that I have recovered my previous memory, it is natural for me to try my best to get back what belongs to me, so many places need to be carefully considered. "By the way, Ah Zhu, I've always wanted to ask a question, but I didn't have time to ask it just now." Feng Lanluo renamed Qiuchenyue as Candle, "What happened to you when you cast the Awakening Art? Why did the Awakening Art fail on you, but you recovered your memory?" Qiu Chenyue looked serious and said, "Xuan, do you still remember Fuxi, who was called the two wise men in the divine world together with you?"? Fuxi once made a kind of medicine called Jiushi, whose effect is almost the same as that of Xingshi. The strange stone I got in Jinxia Cave was actually Fuxi's nine-generation stone. After digestion, I naturally recovered the memory of my previous life. Do you wonder why I know it is the ninth stone? The ninth stone is really a strange thing, he actually has a soul-of course,304 Stainless Steel Coil, after I digested the ninth stone, his soul was reincarnated, but before that he told me that he was the ninth stone created by Fuxi. "Nine Stone.." I seem to remember something about it. Feng Lanluo suddenly realized, "Right, since you have absorbed the ninth stone, then you will never forget any memory in the future, right?"? That is to say. Qiu Chenyue nodded and smiled. "You're right.". As long as I find the other two things in the Prehistoric Treasure,304 Stainless Steel Flat Steel, I can completely change back to the Candle Dragon and have all the power before. Things got easier after that. My previous idea was to find Yin Yanxing to contact the old monsters who dominated the north, and then I could find the broken stick and the hidden shadow through them. "I'm afraid not now." The fate of your teacher Yin Yanxing is still uncertain, and it is unrealistic to expect her to do liaison work. I can feel the rebirth of the evil spirit in J City, which has almost been turned into a demon city. Feng Lanluo said worriedly, "and there seems to be a very deep force field hidden in these evil spirits.". The situation in J City is still somewhat unpredictable, but I think, as you said, someone is brewing some conspiracy in J City. The only thing I know for sure is that this character is extremely powerful and difficult to deal with, and we are even under his surveillance now. Now we have to leave J city, no, or just get rid of surveillance, I'm afraid it's very difficult. "I guess I was right." Qiu Chenyue looked up at the sky. "My cousin Pei Shubing may be in danger. Go to T University to see her condition first. If you can save her, Stainless Steel Decorative Sheet ,304 Stainless Steel Sheet, you can save her. If you can't save her, you can only accept her fate.". After that, we can also visit the mastermind behind the scenes. Feng Lanluo agrees with Qiu Chenyue's idea, after all, he can't do anything else now, so saving people is a better choice. Ying Yi also nodded to show that he agreed. ※ ※ ※ Because Feng Lanluo saw that there was an invisible demon power explosion in the air-as long as he touched the explosion carelessly, he would be affected by the power of the demon power explosion, so Qiu Chenyue finally decided to walk on the ground. Fortunately, the distance from T is not very far now, and Yingyi knows how to escape, so it's not much trouble. Ying Yi carried Qiu and Feng on his back and escaped in the ground for ten minutes. The implementation of the escape is not very smooth, from time to time encountered hidden underground demons, fortunately, Qiu Chenyue and Feng Lanluo joined hands, and soon killed all the demons who tried to block their progress. Qiu Chenyue has only one unified evaluation of these demons: "overreach.". Young-il suddenly stopped. The front should be the gate of T, the magic power also appears to be more grand and vast, Yingyi's escape has been limited. Qiu Chenyue looked at the school gate that had been closed and sighed with emotion in her heart: "I didn't expect that the school had been closed after only a few days." The words did not finish, Qiu Chenyue suddenly pulled up Feng Lanluo and Ying Yi jumped up, jumped into the air and then used the vertical cloud method.
However, Feng Lanluo and Yingyi are both masters of flying, and they have already used their own flying skills in the air, but instead they are flying with the autumn moon. Qiu Chenyue wiped the cold sweat on her head: "What a close call..." At this time, on the ground where Qiuchenyue and others had stood before, countless sharp branches had grown rapidly. If Qiu Chenyue had not taken the two men off the ground as quickly as she could, the three of them would have been tied into a hornet's nest by these branches. The branches continued to rise rapidly, but they were still a little far away from where they were. Strong trunks and roots were drilled out from the ground, and even the small buildings on the surrounding ground collapsed. By the time the branches, trunks and roots stopped stretching, what appeared in front of the autumn moon had become a towering tree as high as 100 meters. From the shape of the branches and trunk, this is undoubtedly a big banyan tree-but such a tall banyan tree is rare in the world. Qiu Chenyue suddenly realized something and congealed a dark flame halberd tens of meters long. Pointing at the giant banyan tree, she shouted, "How is the old wood now?" The trunk of the giant banyan tree trembled violently, and the shaking of the branches even caused a moderate wind. A hoarse and deep voice rang out: "Who are you that dares to call me that?"? How can you use Tianjue Flame? "Oh, how many people can call you like this in the flood and famine era, old wood, you won't forget it all?" Qiu Chenyue laughed jokingly, "Do you want Ben Longzu to respectfully call you'Lord Banyan '?" Standing in front of the autumn moon, this huge banyan tree is one of the four ancestors of the banyan tree God, and is also the only ancient God directly transformed from vegetation into a natural God. In the battle of Kunlun,Stainless Steel Welded Pipe, it was one of the few survivors of the ancient gods, and later lived in seclusion in the underground secret land and never came out again. Now that it's back in the world, it's a miracle. But he didn't expect to meet the Candle Dragon God so soon. sxthsteel.com