

페이지 정보

작성자 Maynard 댓글 0건 조회 135회 작성일 23-02-27 14:04


Even if he died, he would remember the moment she flew over, and he would remember what she said-no! Zhao Xiaoxiong was already unconscious, and gasoline spilled on Xu Nuan, drenching her hair. Her crystal-like face, in such a dark night, is even more pitiful. However, Zhuang Yi, who was extremely angry, had probably forgotten the word pity. He took one look at Xu Nuan, sneered, and said, Good! I will help you two lovebirds of the same fate! Xu Nuan closed his eyes painfully, waiting for the moment when the fire started. However, Zhuang Yi kicked open the lid of the pot on the stove, grabbed the child in Xu Nuan's arms, and turned to the pot. In the pot, the boiling heat with the breath of hatred seemed to devour the child in Zhuang Yi's hands at any time. Xu Nuan opened her eyes in a hurry, and at that moment, her whole body collapsed. At the moment when Zhuangyi let go of his hand, the emotions of exhaustion, despair, sadness and fear, like a bottomless black hole, swallowed up Xu Nuan completely, and she fainted and did not even have time to say a pleading word. 【5】 It was a painful nightmare. In the dream, the cold and bloodthirsty man has black hair and cold eyes. His slender fingers, like flowers and plants, drew an arc in the air, and suddenly, the boiling water hit like a tsunami, immersing Xu's body. Heart-rending. Xu Die's shrill cry pierced Xu Nuan's eardrum, and she cried tenderly in the boiling water, "Sister." Save. But Xu Nuan seemed to be tightly clamped by a pair of big hands, unable to move, unable to cry,heavy duty cantilever racks, or even unable to shout, and could only watch Xu Die crying in the boiling water. Xu Nuan screamed and woke up from the nightmare, in a cold sweat, lowering his head and letting his long hair block his face full of tears. You're awake. Ear is Zhuang Yi's cold voice, as if with a bloody breath. Xu Nuan's memory woke up layer by layer. She looked at the man like a devil in front of her with grief and indignation. She bounced up from the bed crazily, clasped his arm with sharp nails, and complained in a hoarse voice, saying, "You killed my sister, you murderer!"! You give my sister back! Zhuang Yi pushed her away with a very cold and aloof expression. He looked at Xu Nuan lying on the bed and said coldly, "If you want her to live, just be quiet!"! On the white sheets, Xu Nuan was like a blooming lotus flower, and tears, like dewdrops, rolled on her glittering and translucent skin. A few strands of messy hair stuck to her lips as soft as roses, which made people feel pity. Zhuang Yi suddenly discovered that it took a lot of determination to be indifferent to a woman like Xu Nuan. Xu Nuan looked at Zhuang Yi, his words let her understand, warehouse storage racks ,industrial racking systems, at least for the time being, her sister is safe, she is still alive, not thrown into the boiling broth. Not knowing where the courage came from, she stared at Zhuang Yi and said to him word by word, "If you dare to hurt my sister, I won't let you go!"! Zhuang Yi sneered and said, with you? Xu Nuan bit his mouth tightly and said, yes, with me! You can kill me, but you can't hurt my sister! Little sister? Zhuang Yi's face showed a strange smile, he bent down and pinched Xu Nuan's chin with a half-smile, which was as elegant as the prince who wanted to wake up Snow White, but what he said made Xu Nuan shudder. Little sister? I think it's your daughter! You're talking nonsense! Xu Nuan's face suddenly turned red, his almond eyes wide open, and he tried to defend his innocence, but in his heart he lacked confidence. Zhuang Yi is still smiling, seems to be in a very good mood, he nodded, hands behind his back, very leisurely look, said, yes, I talk nonsense! Just think I'm talking nonsense.
Your name is Ruan Ruan. You were adopted by the Meng family when you were six years old. Mrs. Meng raised you as a child bride for her silly son Meng Jincheng, but you seduced her nephew Meng Gu, who was not a few years younger than Meng Jincheng. Wrong, how can I use the evil word "seduce" to defame you, a woman who is innocent enough to sell her body to others for money at will? You should be a childhood sweetheart of Meng Gu, the nephew of Meng Jincheng, and two little guesses. Of course, you can continue to think I'm talking nonsense! Zhuang Yi's words, let Xu Nuan's face become pale and terrible, suddenly, her whole person froze, the past was mentioned by the mysterious man in front of her one by one, leaving no room. Zhuang Yi continued to laugh and speak with fervor and assurance, as if narrating the experience of his old friend. He did not feel that his words were cruel and terrible to uncover the past that the woman in front of him did not want to mention any more. He said that when you were sixteen years old, Mrs. Meng asked you to consummate your marriage with the fool Meng Jincheng, but you insisted on eloping with Meng Gu. Unfortunately, Meng Gu had just succeeded in the college entrance examination and wanted to jump into the Dragon Gate. He had promised to take you away from the Peach Blossom Stronghold and finally broke his promise. For the sake of fame and fortune, for the sake of family, he finally left you to the fool Meng Jincheng. Unfortunately, you are so unfortunate that even the fool Meng Jincheng mysteriously disappeared on the wedding night. After Meng Jincheng disappeared, you were pregnant. All of a sudden, rumors spread that you had no place to live in the Peach Blossom Stronghold, and then you disappeared, and at the same time you disappeared with a young man from the same village named Zhao Xiaoxiong. As for the child in your belly, is it Meng Gu's or Meng Jincheng's, or Zhao Xiaoxiong's, only you know. This child, ha ha, if I am not wrong, is your so-called sister? Do you need to give me a clap so that I can help you restore your memory as soon as possible? Xu Nuan finally could not hold back. She waved her arms at random and tried to push Zhuang Yi away. She said fearfully, "You're talking nonsense!"! Get out of the way! Zhuang Yi smiled and said, I'm talking about a woman named Ruan Ruan, is it nonsense! Xu Nuan's tears flowed out of her beautiful eyes. Who was the enigmatic man in front of her? Why did he just accidentally bump into him to kill people, just a chance encounter,shuttle rack system, but he knew his background so clearly, and cruelly mentioned the past that she had drifted in the city all these years, and never wanted to think of it again? The past is like a sad song. jracking.com